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Serge Nadeau

Writer's picture: PE&R BranchPE&R Branch

À son domicile, le 22 mars 2021, à l’âge de 77 ans, est décédé monsieur Serge Nadeau, fils de feu dame Laurette St-Amant et de feu monsieur Maximilien Nadeau. Il était l’époux de dame Cécile Nadeau. Il demeurait à Québec.

Étant donné la situation actuelle reliée à la Covid-19, une liturgie de la parole aura lieu en toute intimité avec les membres de la famille en la chapelle du Complexe funéraire La Cité vu le nombre limité imposé par la Santé Publique. Cependant, la famille vous invite à vous joindre à elle virtuellement vendredi 9 avril 2021 à 15 heures, en direct ou en différé, en appuyant sur l’icône «captation des rituels» situé sur l’avis de décès du site web :

Il laisse dans le deuil, outre son épouse Cécile; son fils Sébastien (Annie Turcotte); ses petits-enfants : Samuel et Karyanne; ses frères : Régent (Loretta), Marcel (Michelle) et André; ses beaux-frères et ses belles-sœurs de la famille Nadeau : Jean-Guy, Carole (Steve), Pierre (Lily) et Alain ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines, parents et ami(e)s.

La famille tient à remercier le groupe de Josée Brulotte et Martin Vézina ainsi que Martine Lachance pour leur support.

Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par un don à la Société canadienne du cancer, 1040, avenue Belvédère, bureau 214, Québec (Qc) G1S 3G3, Tél. : 418-683-8666 ou au

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Jurgen (Jurgy) Kirsten
Jurgen (Jurgy) Kirsten

Serge was the Snr PERI and my boss at CFB St-Jean and CMR St-Jean for awhile in the early to mid 80's. He was a leader that always led by example and was strict but fair with his staff. I learned a lot from him. His door was always open if and when you needed some advice or help in almost any subject - be it work related or just sports in general. His favourite noon-hour activity was jogging or challenging the staff in a game of doubles tennis, which he enjoyed a lot and took it very seriously. He hated to lose and he let you know if you weren't playing up to his standards. He will be …



It was my honor to serve with Serge at College Militaire Royale in St-Jean.



CWO Warrant Officer J.M.S Nadeau, MMM, CD

I was saddened to hear of Serge's passing.

I had the pleasure of knowing Serge for many years. He was the epitome of a proud serviceman and PERI who received many commendations, accolades and awards over the years.

Serge always looked at life in a positive way and this continued until his death. He will be remembered as a mentor, role model and a natural leader who treated everyone with the utmost respect.

It was an honour and a privilege for me to succeed Serge as PERI Branch Chief Warrant Officer in 1995.

My deepest condolences to Cecile, Sebastian and Family.

Rest In Peace My Friend!

Mens Sana In Corpore Sano



Never had the pleasure of working with Serge, but he was always someone who's name came up as an outstanding PERI and nice guy. Condolences to his family and those who knew him well.


Meleme McGraw
Meleme McGraw

Remembering; Serge Nadeau; Passing on my Deepest sympathies to the family & Friends.!

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