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It is with the saddest of heart's

Writer's picture: PE&R BranchPE&R Branch

Fellow PERO's and PERI's it saddens me to tell you that Ken MacDonald passed away last night. We have no further information at this time but will pass on any additional details as they become available.

Ken was one of the architects of the online PERIScope and although I only met him a few years ago we became fast friends. It was his deep connection to our trade and his fellow PERO's and PERI's that left an indelible impression on me that will last a life time.

I will miss our chats and his counsel. He will be missed.

Ken's Bio from the site:

Ken was born 9 Nov 1932 in Humphrey's Mills NB, located on the Intercolonial Railway and was a manufacturing and farming settlement with 2 stores, 1 sawmill, 1 woolen mill and factory, 1 grist mill and a population of 250.

The family of 6 boys (Ken was #5) moved to Sunny Brae where he attended secondary school there and at the Moncton High School.

He joined the Army on 19 Aug 50 and retired on 19 Aug 1980. A Sgt at age 20 he became a PTI and 12 years later was commissioned from the ranks (CFR) from MWO to Lt and became a BPERO. During this period he worked at becoming an accomplished gymnast and diver, and was a member of the 1959 Canadian Gymnastic Team Champions. A competent gymnast and diver he competed in many championships and won many medals. He coached gymnastics and swimming, trained officials at the national level in gymnastics, swimming and T&F and officiated at many international events. He also achieved regional director and examiner status with the Red Cross and RLSS water safety organizations.

Serving at the Army School of PT in Borden from 1951 to 1961 he had postings to Gagetown, Shilo, NDHQ, RMC, CFB Kingston and retired from Naden. On retirement he became an agent for Maritime Life, didn't like it so he enrolled as a full time reservist in the RCAF with Pacific Region HQ (Air Cadets), where he was the AdmO and at the same time as the AdmO for the Gliding School in Princeton and the DCO of the Cadet Camp at Albert Head retiring as a Major. When not on a trip to warmer climates, he enjoys golfing, curling, home renovations and repairs.

He was the driving force in developing and maintaining the Periscope website over the period 2004-2018.

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9 comentarios

22 feb 2021

So sad upon hearing of the passing of my dear friend, Kenny MacDonald. Ken was the best of the best. He always knew how to make things happen - never a dull moment. Ken and I served together at RMC and he was the biggest and most enthusiastic supporter and fan when I coached the RMC hockey team. We always enjoyed a cold one after games.Memories of Ken will be ever lasting. 🍻 Here’s to you, my friend.

Deepest condolences to Yvonne and the family.

Most sincerely;

Tom Walton

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22 feb 2021

And sincere condolences to the family. AJ

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22 feb 2021

So sad to hear about Ken’s passing. He was one of the best bosses that I could hope to work for. Such a gentleman and devoted PERI.

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Miembro desconocido
21 feb 2021

So sorry to hear of Kenny Mac's passing. Seems like just a few days ago that he announced that he was going to step down as the editor of this site. There was never any mention of him having had any health concerns. Very surprised!

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Randy Cousineau
Randy Cousineau
21 feb 2021

I first met Ken in 77 In the Anderson Gym.

I was escorted to his office by Eve Swann (2N’s no feathers). Eve stood me to attention in front of Capt Mac and said, “this young Pte wants to be a Peri”.

The BPERO replied, “ make it so”.

I was lucky enough to thank him again at the last Nat’l Peri Reunion Meet and Greet.

He was a fine young man.

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PERI March Past - Ernst Schrodingger
00:00 / 00:00

Administrator: Dan Girard

Managing Editor: Dan Girard

Writers: Ken MacDonald, Jurgen Kirsten

Facebook Liaison: Eileen Steele & Randy Cousineau

Treasurer: Shannon Boivin

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