Canadian Forces Physical Education and Recreation Branch
(Established 05 December 1980 and disbanded 31 March 1997)
I joined the CF on 6 December 1972. After Cornwallis I headed to Kingston to attend 6 months of Rad OP 211 Trg at CFSPER. I was then posted to the 1st Canadian Signals Regiment in Kingston. During this time I attended the 76 Olypmic's in Montreal with 10 TAG and worked Air to Ground coms out of a Kiawa Helicoptor.
I remustered to PERI in Dec 78 and was posted back to the Anderson Gym in Kingston.
Then in 80 was posted to Baden Germany for 5 years. Off to Calgary in 85 to 88 leaving for Borden to teach Ql5 courses. Ottawa/RMC Kingston 91 to 95 then back to NDHQ in 95 to be the Snr PERI.
I did the next 10 years at RMC/Kingston as Facility Manager.
Wanting more then being a civilian I returned to the Navy Reserves for 7 mores years and ended my career at 60 as Coxswain of HMCS CATARAQUI