That was a day for all times. The parade went well, and because of medical condition, I was unable to participate. MWO Ed Bogan made the suggestion the Harry Mayne be asked to do the honours. And yes he did as anyone would under the circumstances and for the Branch Rebadging. Those on parade were sharp and proud.
After the ceremony, we retired to have refreshments. At this gathering, with brass all there, we ate cake. Not just any cake. This was a large cake with the Branch badge decorating the top. I had paid one of the pastry cooks, a very talented pastry cook, to perform the task. He did a super job. Looking at the picture, great feelings overwhelm me. As great a staff as I had in my entire career. We worked together, we played together There was talent aplenty and I owe a great deal of thanks to those who were on staff. Not only did we celebrate the rebadging, we opened the brand new gymnasium.