Received notice from Greg Pearson that Jerry, the originator of the first version of our PERISCOPE (PERI-851-SCOPE), old time (1950's) Army PTI, PERO and CFSPER Commandant passed away sometime this month (January 2020). I believe Jerry's son Tom has requested membership to the site where hopefully he will be able to post his Dad's obituary and some photos.
Updated: Jan 29, 2020
Gerry Kasanda; was one of my Instructors at the Army PTI School in Camp Borden, Ontario during my Group 2 & 3's Courses; in the 50 & 60ies; he was great with the Students & very helpful with subject we had to learn and take; also was a funny guy; had a sense of humor.!! He progressed from the ranks to an officer in a short period of time as I can remember.! I remember he was in the same quarters as one of our courses and noticed him studying for his exams.! May he rest in peace as he is promoted to glory.!