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David Edmond

By Dave Edmond

Hi one and all. First to say I am sorry to see that Al Brockley had died. WE had many a good badminton game. He, trying to win, and me trying to prolong the game as long as possible. After all you are on the court for a workout, not pleasure.

L am in retirement now in the Eastern Townships, in Granby. The virus has been active here with Sherbrooke, Granby and Magog following behind Montreal.

Can't say as I am too inconvenienced by it. We have farmland left to my wife following the death of her husband in an accident. With the arrival of good weather, there is a lot to do outside. I also shop in town where there are some stores open.

Retirement had a rough beginning. Seven years in, my wife was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Two years as sole caregiver at home led to three more in Long Term Care. It is long term, the care being dubious. I was there five days a week doing most chores to feed and groom my wife. She died in 2009. From that, I began to write poetry, all on emotions, feelings that come with every facet of living. Life, happiness, love, death, grieving, caregiving, sharing, and some on military topics. The emotions that go along with being a soldier at home and in combat.

I can say here, that in Granby we are spoiled. The acreage out back has an open field for growing. Surrounding the field on the three sides is forest. And that is where our entertainment lives. Deer, wild turkeys, the odd fox and squirrels aplenty. Relaxation is watching the animals frolic, graze separately or as one. They eat mostly in the open field but we do have them come to house for apples. One day we had over fifteen wild turkeys up close and personal to the house. They are big, mean and can move when needed. Unfortunately, man being man, their territory is being squeezed. I think we are one of the last refuges available to them.

The lockdown we have here does not compare to my postings in Summerside. In winter, blizzards could isolate you for days. Roads were never plowed until after the winds died down. Power outages were never repaired for the same reason, and no way to get there.

The virus is invisible, snow is not. No way to break curfew there without risking death.

To all my teammates still around, enjoy today because God did not promise us a tomorrow.

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